About Us
Diseñamos todo, desde hoteles hasta edificios y viviendas hasta espacios comerciales. Nuestro equipo se enfoca en el proceso para asegurar que los resultados finales sean nada menos que espacios perfectos para nuestros clientes. Valoramos a las personas con las que trabajamos. El respeto, la honestidad, la compasión y la profesionalidad nos guÃan en nuestro trabajo diario
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Since its incorporation SEEC have involved in numerous projects in a variety of facilities and challenging environments.
Not all environments are equal and each development has its unique challenges, whether this being public transport hubs, healthcare facilities, offices, residential buildings or other applications.
At design stage, the opportunity is provided to allow for adequate Vertical Transportation for any development. People flow and people density needs to be considered, and where possible to predict future use, as density and/or flow of people tend to increase over time.
In todays environment, energy consumption must be considered and is a challenge for any development. The Life Cycle of equipment, and the reduction of embedded carbon emissions, is a decision factor in choosing the correct equipment.
Equal treatment of persons, inclusive of persons with disabilities, is a requirement in modern society. Our society is getting older and more and more people are depending on Vertical Transport.
Compliance with EU Regulations & Standards, notwithstanding National Regulations, is mandatory for Vertical Transport Systems.
Facing challenges at feasibility stage, reduces the risk of Vertical Transport Systems not being adequate for any development and can ensure that the equipment meets its expected life cycle.
Industry knowledge is essential in selecting the correct types of equipment.
Exposed to time, wear and tear, environmental changes, increased traffic, extreme temperature, vandalism, etc., equipment can reach its limits and become unsafe for its users. Thus, providing the correct type of Vertical Transportation, that can stand the test of time, with the correct maintenance levels, is imperative for any development.
S.E.E.C.’s expertise is in Safety, Environmental, People Flow, Legal Requirements and Management of Maintenance of Vertical Transportation Systems in Buildings, Public Transport Hubs, Health Care Facilities, Retail, Entertainment and Hospitality.
Our Mission Statement
*Independent *Fair & Impartial *Consistent *Cost effective *Promote Safety
We are the only VT Consultancy Firm with Engineers based in the Sweden, Ireland, UK, Spain & Netherlands in Europe with sufficient resources to facilitate the requirements or demands of customers on short notice for any project.
We have expert knowledge of the European Harmonised Legislation relating to Vertical Transportation Equipment inclusive of Building Regulations, Health & Safety Regulation, etc.
We have specialist knowledge relating to the certification of Vertical Transportation and the relevant legal documentation that should be supplied with any type of unit. This to indemnify owners against shortfalls relating to the Health & Safety Legislation.
We advise Government Bodies and give an opinion on proposed changes in legislation, regulations and standards and therefore are fully informed on current requirements but can also advise on possible future requirements, if or when the legislation, regulations and/or standards are proposed to be amended.
With our unique expertise and experience, we are confident that we can assist any design or project team for developments with Vertical Transportation Systems from conception to completion.